Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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Brief notes about ovlmgr.asm
(revised 1989nov12)
OVLMGR.ASM is a preliminary version of a multiple-residency overlay
manager for use with the Microsoft Overlay Linker. It is functionally
compatible with the one in the MSC library _except_:
- it doesn't support setjmp()/longjmp().
- it leaves only a SMALL, fixed space for your heap (1).
- it usually accesses the disk less often and is a lot faster in some
- it has different tuning characteristics.
- you must (of course) link OVLMGR.OBJ into the root overlay (that is,
outside any parentheses in the link command).
See also the bugs list below.
As with other Microsoft-compatible overlay handlers you must be *very*
careful never to call a function in an overlay through a pointer,
unless the initiator of the call resides in the *same* physical
overlay as the target (2).
Although using the overlay manager is in essence much like using
Microsoft's, they operate on a slightly different principle, and tuning
for them is rather different. Technical part begins.
When overlay linking is requested (see you linker manual), the MS
overlay linker changes all far calls into overlays from the (normal,
8086) format:
offset contents
------ --------
:0000 CALL
:0001 target-offset
:0003 target-segment
to this:
:0000 INT
:0001 int# target-mod#
:0003 target-offset
(note that here we are looking at the actual layout of the machine
code, not at the assembly code as such) and relocates the code parts
of all the different overlays into the *same* physical area. The
overlaid code is all actually placed at the end of the .EXE file,
after the 'normal' executable image, along with all its administrative
data (fixups etc.).
When this altered 'call' is executed, of course, the interrupt
handler int# is invoked. Its job is to ensure that the target overlay
module is in memory (reading it from the tail of the .EXE file if it
isn't already loaded) and then transfer to the given offset within it,
'faking up' the effect of the 'real' far call that would normally have
occurred. Something similar must be done when the call returns, to
ensure that the thing being returned *into* is still (or is once more)
The Microsoft linker, as we have said, relocates all the
overlays to the same load address; and, in fact, it allocates am empty
block of memory there that is at least as large as the largest
overlay. Into this area all the overlays are loaded without further
change; thus, there can only ever be one overlay in memory at one
time. Transferring from one overlay to another causes one overlay to
replace the other in the allocated overlay swap area.
Our overlay manager does not use the space allocated by the
linker in the same way. Rather, it allocates almost all of the memory
available from MS-DOS (including the original overlay area). As
overlays are needed, they are loaded wherever they will fit, and
dynamically relocated to that address. Thus, many more than one
overlay may be loaded at any given time, greatly increasing potential
performance. Managament of space is more or less according to an LRU
policy - once all of memory is full, the least recently used overlay
is selected as the most likely candidate for replacement.
The implications of this difference are as follows: while with the
conventional (default) overlay manager, the best strategy is to group
object modules together in an overlay whenever they are known to be
used in rapid succession, to make each overlay as big as possible (all
things being equal) in order to take advantage of all available
memory, and to make as few overlays as possible (to reduce the amount
of disk access), the best strategy with our overaly manager is almost
the reverse. Having a lot of small overlays will increase the amount
of useful stuff that can be resident in memory at the same time; all
of memory will automatically be employed; and there is no advantage at
all to uniformity of size (except perhaps in the unlikely case of
*exact* uniformity!).
One thing that is no longer a problem with this version
(though it was with all earlier versions of this overlay manager) is
that the DOS exec() call works normally. The memory that is allocated
for administering the overlay system is freed before the exec call is
made and reallocated afterwards (we trap the DOS function request
vector to do this, which isn't very nice as a programming practise but
makes the existence of the overlay manager far more transparent).
There is, however, one circumstance under which this can be
problematic: if you use the exec() call to load a TSR application,
thereby causing memory that the overlay manager was using to become
unavailable, you may make it impossible for the overlaid application
to proceed. This is because code that is nominally 'running' (i.e. is
currently on the stack) cannot be relocated and must be reloaded
at the *same address* that previously held it. If another process now
owns that area of memory, there is nothing we can do.
We believe that this should not be a serious concern in normal
NOTA BENE: This is a preliminary version of the overlay manager, but
by now it should be fairly well debugged. If you are considering
upgrading it please be aware that the following improvements are
planned for the next version (though who knows when delivery will
Twice the speed
EMS support
compatible versions of setjmp() and longjmp()
Integration with malloc() so the heap can grow
Major code revamping
Not enough memory to run this program. Time to go to the store.
Although DOS successfully loaded the programme, it proved
impossible to allocate enough additional contiguous memory to
load one or more of the overlays. Either reduce the
RAM-loading of the application by reducing the size of either
the root or the largest overlays, or increase the amount of
memory available by unloading TSRs and/or simplifying your
Your dog eats all your remaining memory! You die.
Either an internal error has occurred in ovlmgr or the
application programme, or some event has caused memory that
ovlmgr believed it could count on becoming unavailable. A
typical example of the latter would be the result of
attempting to load a TSR while an overlaid application is
The Nymph stole your .EXE file! You die.
For some reason ovlmgr could not locate or read the original
.EXE file in which the overlays reside. This could be due to
your attempting to use a very old version of DOS,
an abject shortage of file handles, some strange event causng
the file to be deleted, a disk error, or the diskette that
contained the executable has been removed.
The present version cannot always be used as a direct replacement for
Microsoft's overlay manager (even granted the documented differences)
because the minimum size required for an overlaid programme to run is
at least the size of the root plus TWICE the size of the largest
overlay. If a programme has previously had its overlay structure tuned
to take best advantage of Microsoft overlays, this may well cause a
problem. The overlays themselves will need to be split up.
The error messages are whimsical and NetHack-culture-specific.
Somewhat more informative versions appeared in one version of the
programme but they seem to have been lost.
Transfers between overlays are very slow in machine terms, even if
both overlays happen to reside in memory at the time.
Locking overlays into memory is not really implemeted even though
reading the source code might make you think it was.
To repeat a point made above, if you ever try to call a function in an
overlay through a pointer, you *may* die with the Microsoft overlay
manager. If you ever try to call a function in an overlay through a
pointer, you *will* die with ours. Nothing in an overlay ever ends up
in the same segment as the linker anticipated. You have been warned!
(1) If you hunt through the code you will find a magic constant you
can play with to vary this allotment, if you're brave enough. It's
currently tuned for NetHack 3.0. If you should get a message to the
effect that NetHack can't allocate 28000 and some bytes when entering
a maze level, that isn't our problem! In all probability you forgot to
rebuild your special level files when you changed the compiler flags.
We got that one, too, at one point.
(2) This problem can be circumvented through the use of surrogate
'trampoline' functions: functions that reside in the root overlay and
simply pass right through to the 'real', overlaid, implementations.
This can even be made transparent to the source code through the use
of the C macro preprocessor, with a locution of the form
#define foo(x) foo_(x)
visible everywhere except at the actual definition point of the
trampoline. This has been implemented in Nethack 3.0h.
OVLMGR.ASM is brought to you by Pierre Martineau and Stephen Spackman.
It, and this document, are copyright. They are, however, provided as
part of NetHack and may be freely distributed as described in the
NetHack license.
Stephen P Spackman stephen@concour.cs.concordia.ca
Copyright (C) 1989 Pierre G Martineau and Stephen P Spackman